Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Weekly Meal Plan

Happy Spring!!
I love Spring time. The air is fresh, the tulips are out and the tress are getting bright green buds on them. We also have baby chicks we are raising, Spring is just a fresh beautiful new start. Not to mention the beautiful celebration of Easter and the new tomorrow that we get each day so graciously from our savior and his Amazing love and Grace. I have stepped away from the blog to just breathe and focus on life a little bit more and not feel like I have to do it but I want too. I am in the kitchen a lot anyway but I was not really finding the time to get pictures done and blogs posted without feeling stressed or anxious about it. I wanted it to be fun and easy! So they may not be every week or maybe they will, but currently I am focusing on my little boy(who is growing way to fast), my husband, our office, our home, my family and friends. We have been busy(good busy) these last 3 months, I turned 30, my minivan got totaled, so we got a new one(I guess that is a bonus kind of), office work, taxes, gymnastics, T-Ball, school, My little sister is traveling through Florence and having the time of her life (I am seeing all her pictures and posts wishing I could visit), Birthday season has begun for all the nephews and I LOVE birthdays:)!!! Gardening is underway and I am on a mission to kill as many rats that try to enter my chicken coop as possible!!!! Planting peppermint everywhere, rat traps, I have searched and found the perfect chicken feeder(if it was only cheaper), the automatic chicken door I NEED (if only it was cheaper), I need to re-dig trenches with house cloth wire(if only my back was feeling well...thank you accident),but it will all happen in due time. as I kept reading and reading what rats will do to your chickens I became more and more furious with them. It is a glorious morning when I walk out to the chicken coop and I see rats in the traps...VICTORY IS MINE! Sorry and now that I am currently off track of food...lets somehow get back to that. Here are some pics of the last few months:)

 We went up to a local ski resort and probably got some of the best snow of the season for my birthday weekend! It was so much fun! Our winter in Washington was horrible for snow but at least we scored an AMAZING weekend!

 I went out to eat with my whole family and got to have all 4 of my nephews join us too. Family is everything!

I am beyond blessed to have some truly amazing friends in my life and I have some dear dear ones that I have had the blessing to have apart of my life since grade school and junior high. My dearest friend from grade school Lindsey surprised me with a truly amazing gift I will never forget. She set up for 30 ladies to send me cards of encouragement, spend quality time, or a little something to celebrate me being 30. I was/am still so very touched by the outpouring of love and encouragement and I still look at those cards and notes. The Lord has so abundantly blessed me in my life and I am forever grateful and thankful!

We put our little man in gymnastics and BOY did he love it! When he starts back up he will be ready for the all boy class that may be a little faster for my very speedy lil man:)

A going away party for my best friend and sister Carmen to Florence Italy to study abroad!! She is greatly missed but we are so beyond proud of her for following all her dreams and living life to the fullest!!

Our AMAZING SEATTLE SEHAWKS went to the Superbowl 2 years in a row!!!! While the outcome was not as we would have hoped we are still beyond proud of our team and look forward to another return next year! I did however get the opportunity to decorate for our neighbor/family's Superbowl party and was so thankful they asked me here are a few sneak peak pictures but come football season I will give you the whole spread so seahawks game you can host can be extra fun:)!! We are so blessed to live where we do in a quiet place but more then that the people we are surrounded by that have become family and spending seahawks games and other events over the year has been such a blessing.

I love to plan a party, I have already begun planning my sons 5th birthday party and while it is not until July, July will come all too fast and I need to get ahead of the game. Plus he just switched themes on me and luckily the etsy purchases I made were kind enough to change the theme for me. Thankfully I ordered them so early in advance they had not started either! Plus his new theme just makes so much more sense for him...until July!

I am able to be a room mom this year for Blake's Pre-K class and it has been so much fun! These robots and the treats below were for his class Valentines party! He gets so excited that I get to be there and help plan it! 

This kid was all smiles and jumping up and down when he got a postcard from Italy from his dearly missed AUNTIE!!!

Then we decided to get chicks just a few or 8...we already have 9 hens...and know I need another chicken house...hmmm. My husband just shakes his head and goes OH my goodness...but how can you resist this adorable boy and his love for chicks...I mean this face! I could have walked out with 15 so he should be thanking!

He is too favorite!

His joy...this one he named Fluffy!

Blake's favorite thing is to make and eat rice Krispie treats. He LOVES them, it is the one thing he will normally not deny until most recently I discovered he does not enjoy them dipped in chocolate. But on the bright side he had fun helping me and applying the sprinkles. I enjoyed them dipped in I got his leftovers:) 

I am so very grateful that we get to send Blake to a school where is able to learn about Jesus and that we are able to bring in fun treats that teach the true meaning of Easter! Holidays are too fun!!

I have been having so much fun with school and spending and sharing this time with Blake. It is such a joy to see his excitement for his friends, his teacher, and learning so many things! Plus I get to be creative and he can help me make fun things for his classmates:)

 I love Easter. Its a beautiful celebration of Grace and Love. We are so blessed to have a saviour who suffered so much so we could one day live with him forever!

Back to the menu planning...



Pioneer Woman Spaghetti

This batch of spaghetti will feed us for dinner one night with 4 nights of dinner ready for the sauce to go into the freezer. My son LOVE spaghetti so on nights when my husband & I eat just chicken and veggies this is perfect to take out for my son and he has leftovers for lunch for the week! I am all about a good meal that doubles as a freezer meal.


This is one of those great meals you can double and store in the freezer. I make the base sloppy joe and meat mixture and freeze it. Then I take it out in the morning and heat it up, add the corn and cream cheese, tator tops, top with cheese and pop it in the oven! Super simple and super easy!


This one is also perfect for the freezer. Add all ingredients except Lime Juice, salt, & hot sauce to a Ziploc bag and freeze. When ready pop it in the slow cooker...super easy for a busy night of baseball or running the kiddos around.


Its Friday and you have cooked all earned it!!



I hope this helps with your upcoming week of meals. I plan mine of Sundays so what you see is what we ate the week before. I try to do simple, fast, healthy, and something once a week that doubles for stocking up my freezer. I like having a prepared freezer for those days I don't feel like cooking or just plain don't have time! 

Have a beautiful and blessed day!!!