Friday, May 9, 2014

Menu Planning

I first started doing a menu for the week because I was constantly going to the grocery store during the week to pick things up for dinner that I didn't have or because I decided to make something that day. It resulted in time wasted and money wasted, I would typically make other stops and buy unnecessary items at the store. I started writing my menu on my shopping list and then I would most likely loose it or it would end up that I could not read what I originally wrote down;) So I decided to make a board and this was actually something I did not find on Pinterest, although I did Pin my finished product and it has received more pins then anything I have pinned before:) I found the step by step to make this menu board Here, my husband made the frame for me out of mill work I picked up at Home Depot and then I painted it.

If you don't have a menu planning system I would start to put a plan in motion. Maybe it is just starting with writing it down on a piece of paper and then finding a menu board that suits you. My top 3 reasons for menu planning are:

1. Saves Time. (make only 1 big trip to the grocery store every week) I always like to do my errands on one day. It avoids stops to things I don't need to buy and I usually stick to my list at the grocery store. 
2. Saves Money. You will eat out less, we try to only eat out once every two weeks. There are times were that does not always hold true but we are not strict on it. If we get invited out to dinner we won't be like oh sorry we already went out last;) I also only like to go to Target once a month. Lets be honest Target is dangerous, but there are certain items I enjoy going there for. But something always happen to catch my eye this is not necessary.
3. Eating Healthy. Eating out can be very unhealthy, even when you think you are making healthy choices. We have a few restaurants that we like to go to and the rest we avoid. Going out to eat can be fast and no dishes required but for us the health benefits of preparing a meal always win for me.

Meal Plan Week 1

I always like to start the week off with a salad, normally because I have a big Sunday meal I like to prepare and Salads for us mean homemade Mac and Cheese for my son so it is a win for everyone:)


Wednesday: Leftovers
I always do a night of leftovers during the week it saves food and money. We are a small family and we don't eat a ton so instead of wasting the leftovers I always do a leftover night after a casserole dish from the night before and thankfully my husband loves leftovers:) 



Saturday: Out to Dinner :)

This is a recipe I love to double and Freeze. We only eat half of the original recipe so it makes a perfect freezer meal for those busy weeks and I get two freezer meals out of 1 Sunday meal. I always try to incorporate a meal like this into my week that makes a good freezer meal as well! A well stocked freezer means you are saving time, money, and an "oh lets just go out to eat dinner because you don't want to cook" night. Just open your freezer and you have a healthy home cooked meal:)!

I found this shopping list at Target but you can also buy it on Amazon. I use this on Sunday nights when I am doing my planning and it is great! I love it and it has a magnet it you have a central planning station to put it on. Don't you just love Amazon you can get almost any item item in 2 days, its beautiful! 

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mom's out there and I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine, love, your favorite flowers and your kiddos! I got myself these flowers because they are some of my all time favorite!! I love to just enjoy the day with my little man and I am glad the forecast is saying SUNSHINE:) Have a wonderful, beautiful, and blessed weekend!

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